Enhancing Gravity

Impaler Gold

Impaler Gold is a fast-paced minimalistic arena shooter - now expanded and improved. Summon spikes to slay monsters, build barriers, and propel yourself into the air. Challenge yourself in this highly replayable rogue-lite shooter inspired by the classics.

Hey all! Welcome to the [b]Update #4.5[/b]! In this ".5" update, we'll be tinkering with existing systems, rather than adding new content. This time we're taking a look at the [b]gravity,[/b] since the floatiness of the Player Character has been coming up pretty frequently since the launch. To add some more [i]oomph[/i] to the air controls, we're introducing the [b]wall jump ability[/b]. Just press JUMP when touching a wall mid air, and you'll bounce from it ninja style! Apart from that we're taking a look at other gameplay elements, mainly from the balance perspective. and adding some magic touches here and there. Check out the full patch notes: [h3][b]Major Changes[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Increased the overall game gravity by 50% and improved physics to feel less “floaty” [*] Rebalanced jumping, jump pads, other values to account for change in gravity [*] Added a wall jump ability (jump while touching a wall mid-air) [/list] [h3][b]Balance / Gameplay[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Projectiles spawned from “Bullet Time AOE” upgrade now emit shrapnel when they explode [*] Shrines are introduced slightly later in each stage so the first one isnt a freebie [*] No self damage with cannon explosive shots upgrade [*] Reduce damage of sawblades to match lasers [*] Saw blades no longer launch objects into the air [*] Increased speed of obstacle spawning by 50% (less waiting) [*] Monsters no longer jump or chase player if they are in a pain animation [*] Increased barrel and offering push amount slightly [*] Damage-stunned monsters will stop shooting [*] Flying enemies have slightly lower shoot cooldown [*] Changes to evil offering [*] Evil offering jumps around and moves away from shrines [*] No longer spits out collected pickups [*] Range of pickup suction reduced [/list] [h3][b]Audio / visual[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Enhanced jumper sprites & animations [*] New pain / damage sounds for several monsters [*] Increased variety of explosion audio sfx [*] Audio mixing enhancements [*] Improved jump. double jump, and wall jump particle effects [*] Improvemed explosion smoke particle effects [*] All offerings now have a yellow glow to be more visible [*] Increased visibility and brightness of offering destinations (shrines) [*] Visual improvements to jump pad & booster (particles, animations, etc.) [/list] [h3][b]UI / UX[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Removed the “offering” hud elements - doesn’t look good and makes screen busy [*] Added wall jump tooltip (#10 in the rotation) [/list] [h3][b]Bug fixes / Technical[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Fixed jumpers “charging” during tutorial while stationary [*] Small enhancements to particle physics [*] Fixed achievement unlock bug (kill all monster types) [*] Fixed out-of-order icons in score summary [/list] That would be all for today, make sure to let us know what you think about those changes! As always, please [b]share Impaler with your friends[/b] and [b]leave a Steam review[/b] if you’re enjoying the game to help us reach even more players. See you in the next one. Apptivus and Retrovibe [h4]Join our Discord community ⬇[/h4] [url=https://discord.gg/ensxn8yTvd][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/33992838/a78f1f23a8d22ae43153eae9a1cd653789ccd347.png[/img][/url]