[Revised]Patch Notes V_1.1.2

All-In-One Sports VR

13 Sports in 1 Game ! What type of sports acitivities will be safer during the pandemic era? All in One sports VR offers the most safe way to keep you healthy for both physically and mentally with zero contact.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39627236/3af30964171cafb041ef979e9e88c96aac565e98.png[/img] [b]Hello, users! It's been a while. Since the official patch, we have internally conducted patches concerning the game's stability. Through this patch, stability has been enhanced, and additionally, functions that were not operating on some devices and platforms have been modified to work properly. [/b] [h1]V_1.1.2 Update[Revised][/h1] V_1.1.1 Some issues have been fixed where the ball was not being hit or the controller's speed was not being registered in some games. [h2]General[/h2] [list] [*] The "Recenter" feature, which repositions to the current location, has been fixed to function correctly. [*] The overall stability of the game has been patched. [*] Fixed issue when changing events during multiplayer waiting. [/list] [h2]Table Tennis[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed issue where the serve wasn't hitting. [*] Added deuce limit (max 15 points). [/list] [h2]Tennis[/h2] [list] [*] Added deuce limit (max 4 times). [*] Fixed issue with ball floating too high. [*] Removed scoring on ground during rallies. [/list] [h2]Volleyball[/h2] [list] [*] Added deuce limit (max 10 points). [/list] [h2]Squash[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed scoring judgment error. [*] Increased speed of Flame item by 1.5x [/list]