Retro-FPS lovers, Dread Templar has arrived!

NecroVisioN: Lost Company

NecroVisioN: Lost Company is the prequel to original horror FPS shooter, taking place before the NecroVisioN story begins. It contains a bunch of unique levels, characters, weapons and gameplay elements as well as new main hero that presents the original game story from opposite perspective.

We greet you, fans of the most legendary game genre! There is never enough boomer-shooters, and one of the most anticipated retro first-person-shooters has just left Early Access, that being none other than [url=][b]Dread Templar[/b][/url]. The full version of the game is a rough trip through hell, on which you'll be constantly interrupted by 20+ types of enemies and 9 bosses. Don't you worry though, for your dearest companions are dual-wielded pistols, shotguns, rocket launchers, katanas (which also can be thrown as a spear) and many more - all of which can be further upgraded in more than 100 ways! So what do you say, are you brave enough to take the trip? During the first week after launch, Dread Templar is 15% off, so there's nothing to wait for, get the game right now! [h3][b]Dread Templar - Full Launch Trailer[/b][/h3] [previewyoutube=PhcyDAZLQac;full][/previewyoutube] [h3][b]FORGIVE ME FATHER + VISCERAFEST + DREAD TEMPLAR bundle[/b][/h3]