Release Notes - v1.0.1


UNDERGROUND MECH FIGHTS! Wrap yourself in 5 tons of metal & go smashing through a dark scene of full-on metal-on-metal violence!

[b]FUN[/b] [olist] [*] Physics on PC build now run at double the frame rate (40hz to 80hz). Enjoy the increased accuracy! [*] Jungledogs heads now have updated model [/olist] [b]BUG FIXES[/b] [olist] [*] Overheat status can carry between fights, causing PWR 0% to show in garage [*] Corruption in save files can happen when starting a new run from Hangar [*] Roach breakdance and glitch all over the arena [*] Minor bugfixes to encounters [/olist] [b]BALANCING[/b] [olist] [*] Repair Kits heal less [*] Tweaks to REPAIR encounters balance [*] Difficulty level tweaks for first runs in career [/olist]