"Picontier" is a story of mystery and fascinating events that occur on an island as the main character, who awakens from a long sleep on the magical island, resumes life from scratch and meets many intriguing islanders. It is a ‘slow life RPG’ that unravels and reveals surprising twists.
Steam Ver.1.0 [31th March 2022]
・Adjusted prices for some items
・Items helpful for quest progression added to the shop
・Adjustments made to some areas in the map
・Added a merchant
・Log function shows key event progression
・Adjusted growth rates for relationships
〇 Adjusted side quest rewards
〇 Adjusted drop rates for Ambergris
〇 Removed SP cost for planting seeds
〇 Increased durability for initial weapon
〇 Changed timing when a Gold Watering Can becomes available
〇 Rain Altar added
〇Items now drop from monsters in the farm
〇New UI to indicate which animal has been caught
〇Adjusted fishing commands (button mashing frequency)
※Changes marked with 〇 are adjustments made following user feedback
Minor adjustments that improvement processing rates
Fixed a few minor bugs
Steam Ver. ver 5[2021.10.01 updated]
Ver0.9.7.5 ver5 released- finished 「Akagami no tomo」collaboration contents.
Steam Ver.[2021.08.27 updated]
-You can check which area the people out of town are on the mini map.
-Added a chat log function to the quest menu.
-Fixed a bug which causes items to mesh into the walls of the barn.
Steam Ver.[2021.07.20 updated]
-Added an effect to show an increase in relationship levels after first contact with a character for that day.
-Added a marker for main quest 13.
-Added an option to release animals from the farm.
Steam Ver.[2021.07.02 updated]
-Some typographical errors and omissions in the text have been corrected.
Steam Ver. [Release date 2021.06.18]
■ Bug fix
Fixed the bug that allows toys to be used on kept animals multiple times a day.
Steam Ver. [Release date 2021.05.11]
Slight adjustments to terrain
Added signboard for monster toy
Doubled the capacity of the storage box
Adjusted items needed for side quests
Changed daily routine for a few townspeople
Minor text changes
UI adjustments to seen shrined
■Other bugs
Fixed bug that allows use of an invisible staircase
Fixed bug that replenishes HP/SP when game is restarted from the title screen
Steam Ver. [Release date 2021.04.21]
■2nd Major update!
-Gameplay up to main quest 17 unlocked
-Relationship levels unlocked up to level. 6 (Level. 4 for some characters)
-Some adjustments made to the terrain and items found on the field
-Expanded barn redesigned so items are easier to collect
-Harvest timer added to farm – switching it on will display days left till harvest
-Fishing shack can now be entered
-Recipe machine added to the fishing shack. Recipes can be redeemed
-according to the total number of fish caught
-Record of biggest fish caught for each type of fish can be seen on the wall
-Maximum HP and SP capacity will increase if all types of fish are caught
-Materials in the storage box can be used if crafting or cooking at home
-Price adjustments made for items bought in the store
-Adjustments made to monster drop items
-Character can now run
-New animation during save option is chosen
-Maximum HP and SP capacity increases if offerings of crops are made to each respective seed shrine
-Fast travel back to the farm made possible once a certain item is obtained
■ Townspeople
-Easier to increase relationship levels
-Adjustments made to some townspeople’s daily routines
-More information added to the menu for “Expanding” the farm
-Added another hint to the manual
-Rain will pause when the option menu is opened
-Item menu screen size for crafts and cooking adjusts according to the number of recipes known
■ Bugs fixed
-Bug causing shipment box to ship items a second time after choosing sleep option fixed
-New items directly sent to Catrash that were not listed in the catalog now will be listed
-Bug causing long-press action on the farm to continue involuntarily now fixed
Steam Ver. [Release date 2021.02.03]
-Minor adjustments made to map
-Changed a few items that can be found exploring
-Changed graphics for corn shoots
-Added message to inform players if criteria is already met at the beginning of the mission
-Adjusted the prices of a few items sold in shops
-Minor UI adjustments made
-Cursor lands on the top left whenever categories are switched in shop mode
-Capacity change indicated for box and bag expansions
-Fixed bag capacity bug when gifting items
-Quest menu will open on the last quest selected
-Adjustments made to prevent frame rate dropping
Steam Ver. [Release date 2021.01.14][1st major update]
■1st Major update
-Play up to Main story quest 11
-Unlocked relationship levels to LV.5
-Cows can be kept at the farm
-Mine, raft and expand the farm
■Bug Fixes
-Fixed bug causing black screen after entering the general store
-Time spent during the prolog is now added to playtime
-Fixed bug causing Catrash to call the protagonist a different name
-Adjusted text alignment
-Added missing translations
-Fixed townspeople location indicator accuracy
-Symbols that cannot be used in the protagonist’s name removed
-Bug causing items in bag to look partially transparent fixed
-Expanded the basement of protagonist’s house
-Adjustments made to map terrain
-If HP will hit 0 after performing an action (such as watering), the action will be cancelled and a “tired” animation will play instead, avoiding K.O. with exception of battles.
-Cursor color will change to yellow if no action can be performed to a selected vegetable plot.
-Players can now “Charge” even if the cursor is selecting an empty space
-Edits made to some character’s favorite items
-Adjusted drop rates for captured animals
-When relationship levels with animals drop to 0, they will disappear without a trace
-Edits made to certain events
-Displays amount of HP recovered after consuming foods
-Items that have not been crafted before marked with a red circle
-Types of recipes/ item rewards from side quests are categorized by icons
-Changed color of the relationship level bar
-Removed ability to gift items to townspeople with MAX relationship levels
-Edited some parts of the UI
-Edited staff credits
-Added missing translations
-Text fixes
Steam Ver. [Release date 2020.12.04]
■ Bug Fixes
-Fixed issue regarding shipments not being made if protagonist hits HP 0
-Fixed quest descriptions exceeding text windows
■ Map
-Fishing hut added south of the farm
-Adjustments made to map
■ Items
-Adjusted drop rates for monsters
-Changed a few craft and cooking recipes
-Changed prices for some items
-Cooked dishes sold in shops are now the same price as shipment box prices
-Lowered price of some cooking ingredients sold in shops
■ Events
-Re-edited a number of cutscenes
■ UI
-Changed icons to differentiate quests and missions in the Quest Menu
-Effect added when an item is gifted to residents
-”Sold out” signs added to the shop for storage expansions if maximum limit is reached
■ Other
-Text edits
Steam Ver. [ Release date 2020.11.18]
■ Bug Fixes
-Unintentional movement after attacking enemies removed.
-Cursor on title screen readjusted.
-Bug causing character to sleep despite not choosing “Rest and Save” fixed.
-Bug causing Shipment box to disappear fixed.
■ Fishing
-Character can now fish multiple times from the same fishing spot.
-Readjusted fish to respawn later.
■ Items
-Readjusted item drop rates from monsters.
-Decreased time needed to grow crops.
-Increased shipment prices for crops.
-Changed a few cooking recipes.
-Changed prices for some items.
■ Other
-SP decrease rate for rainy days is now the same as sunny days.
-If monitor refresh rate is over 90Hz, default Vsync setting will be disabled.
-Text edits.
Steam Ver. [Release date 2020.11.10]
■Bug Fixes
-Fixed item count in item slots, will now decrease as expected whenever a gift is given.
-Added settings for compatible game controllers (PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch Pro) to the menu.
-Added VSync settings in options.
-Rebalanced HP and SP recovery from 100% to 20% after KO.
Steam Ver. [Release date 2020.11.09]
■ Fixed black screen bug occurring in certain situations.
Steam Ver. [Release date 2020.11.07]
■ Early access released