"Picontier" is a story of mystery and fascinating events that occur on an island as the main character, who awakens from a long sleep on the magical island, resumes life from scratch and meets many intriguing islanders. It is a ‘slow life RPG’ that unravels and reveals surprising twists.
Steam Ver.1.0 [31th March 2022]
・Adjusted prices for some items
・Items helpful for quest progression added to the shop
・Adjustments made to some areas in the map
・Added a merchant
・Log function shows key event progression
・Adjusted growth rates for relationships
〇 Adjusted side quest rewards
〇 Adjusted drop rates for Ambergris
〇 Removed SP cost for planting seeds
〇 Increased durability for initial weapon
〇 Changed timing when a Gold Watering Can becomes available
〇 Rain Altar added
〇Items now drop from monsters in the farm
〇New UI to indicate which animal has been caught
〇Adjusted fishing commands (button mashing frequency)
※Changes marked with 〇 are adjustments made following user feedback
Minor adjustments that improvement processing rates
Fixed a few minor bugs
other release notes: