Reflecting on the Launch and Moving Forward: Patch 0.9.1 is Here


In the gripping world of VORAX survival takes on a new terrifying dimension. As you step into this Open World Survival Horror game brace yourself for a journey where every moment is a battle for survival. Every choice, every move, every breath could be your last. Are you ready to face the unknown?

Operatives, The launch of [b]Vorax[/b] was not exactly what we had hoped for because the game was marred by a number of game-breaking bugs. We heard your frustrations, and we share them. At the same time, we also heard your praise—the monstrous designs, the atmosphere, and the core gameplay resonated with many of you, even as you acknowledged the title was [i]“too rough around the edges.” [/i] This motivated us a lot. Since then, we have been working relentlessly to address these issues. The past five weeks have been a marathon of development, bug fixing, and improvements. We’ve taken little or no holidays, pushing ourselves to make "Vorax" the game we envisioned—and the game you deserve. Today, we’re releasing Patch 0.9.1, which we believe will fix most, if not all, of the major game-breaking bugs and annoying issues that have plagued the experience so far. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/9048b69c73490d8afa6571fdda590afc448a3271.png[/img] Here’s what’s new in Patch 0.9.1: [h1]CORE MODULES:[/h1] [h2]SAVE SYSTEM[/h2] One of the most critical updates in this patch is the complete reimplementation of the save system. After discovering serious issues with our previous implementation, we made the tough decision to revert to our proprietary save system used during the prototype phase. This system has been adapted and strengthened to handle the demands of the current build. [u]Please note: With the introduction of the new save system, every player will have to start a new game from scratch. It is also recommended that you wipe out your "Saved" floder completely if possible.[/u] [list] [*]Save system new implementation (requires a new game start) [*]Shelter save functionality is now working. [*]Containers now correctly save items stored inside them. [*]Sky and atmosphere states are now saved. [*]Video and keymap input settings are now saved. [*]World objects save functionality implemented. [*]Interactable items now save every state. [/list] [h2]HUD / GUI[/h2] We’ve heard your feedback, and the HUD has been revamped to be more in line with the 2022-2023 prototype, which many of you praised. Additionally, the entire GUI has been updated to support a wider range of resolutions, including ultrawide screens. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/5525d0a8d7b78f63d46a9f13081c02c48b4bb487.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/e8c1c26317aef6ff9692955ad49dea3b28d5c04f.png[/img] [list] [*]New helmet HUD design, similar to the 2022-2023 prototype. [*]New GUI color aligned with HUD color, now using “Military OrangeZ.” [*]Full HUD and GUI support for ultrawide screens and all resolutions. [/list] [h2]GENERAL GAMEPLAY[/h2] We’ve made a myriad of fixes, tweaks and improvements to the gameplay, focusing on making the experience smoother and more immersive. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/f50887b1077d9e898340711cea6b5f265b02cafb.png[/img] [list] [*]Containers (furniture) now have different storage capacities based on their size. Larger containers can store more items. [*]New HLODs (Hierarchical Level of Detail) implemented and existing ones improved. [*]All crafted objects can now be dropped in the world and picked up for reuse, including craftable barricades. [*]Gas masks are now automatically equipped when picked up. [*]Added a new secondary Blob Boss in the military camp, with a new shotgun as a reward. [*]Removed placeholder bodies for dead NPCs; now, full ragdoll bodies are implemented, supporting effects and dismemberment. [*]Re-implemented and tweaked throwable explosives: grenades, craftable bombs, dynamite, scrap bombs. These now deal more damage, dismember enemies, and have less bounce. [*]Added several explosive objects like fire extinguishers, fuel cans, and gas containers. These objects now explode when shot, dealing damage to nearby entities. [*] Removed several bottlenecks in animation montages, reduced some function calls in crucial game thread loops, now everything runs smoother on game thread. [*]Added more interactive assets to the world. [*]Added new audio lines for the character Raphael, the scientist. [*]Fixed crafting issues with several objects, such as the explosive trap at the bench not yielding the final item. [*]Fixed ultrawide screen issues in the cooking/crafting menu. [*]Fixed several graphical bugs in the Infopoint zone. [*]Fixed mesh issues with the medic-infected character model. [*]Corrected the manor house location in documents found at the start of the game. [*]Added physical impulse effects to all explosives and powerful weapons like shotguns. [*]Improved particle effects, especially sparks. [*]Enhanced audio samples and sound design. [*]Improved muzzle effects on shotguns, with a focus on the double-barrel variant. [*]Enhanced fall and explosive damage systems. [*]Improved loot tables for all enemy types, ensuring that loot is more aligned with enemy traits. [/list] [h2]SETTINGS OVERHAUL[/h2] We’ve started a complete overhaul of the settings menus, focusing on giving you more control over your gameplay experience. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/cc01029a00e5cb105adeebadc596d3331fc31f7a.png[/img] [list] [*]Video settings have been totally refactored. [*]Keymap settings have been refactored (you can now change the inventory key ). [*]Audio settings refactor is in progress but not fully completed in this patch. [/list] Looking Ahead While the launch presented its challenges, our commitment to making [b]Vorax[/b] the best open-world survival horror experience remains steadfast. Patch 0.9.1 is a crucial step in that direction, and we will continue to listen to your feedback and implement improvements. We are working tirelessly to deliver the game you deserve, and in the coming weeks, we will be sharing our full roadmap detailing our plans from now until the end of the year. Your continued support and feedback are invaluable as we refine and expand Vorax. We believe Patch 0.9.1 brings significant improvements, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts as we move forward together. Mission Control out. The Vorax Development Team