

In the gripping world of VORAX survival takes on a new terrifying dimension. As you step into this Open World Survival Horror game brace yourself for a journey where every moment is a battle for survival. Every choice, every move, every breath could be your last. Are you ready to face the unknown?

[b]Patch - Changelog[/b] [list] [*][b]New Enemies[/b]: Added new enemy groups that now roam the island. [*][b]Mutated Population[/b]: Hunters, casuals, military, medics, and the general population now patrol both day and night. [*][b]Explosives Update[/b]: Enhanced particle effects for explosions. [*][b]Main Menu Fix[/b]: Corrected image size and aspect ratio in the main menu. [*][b]Stealth Improvements[/b]: AI detection range halved when the player is crouching, improving stealth mechanics. [*][b]Save System Fix[/b]: Resolved issues with saving. [*][b]Weapon Tweaks[/b]: Adjusted dismemberment and impact distance. Melee weapons (e.g., axes) no longer behead enemies on the first hit, except in specific situations. [*][b]Bug Fixes[/b]: Fixed issues with the bulldozer and substation gate. [/list] This patch includes improvements across gameplay, AI, and visual effects for a more polished experience.