ETA: 4 weeks until Early Access Deployment


In the gripping world of VORAX survival takes on a new terrifying dimension. As you step into this Open World Survival Horror game brace yourself for a journey where every moment is a battle for survival. Every choice, every move, every breath could be your last. Are you ready to face the unknown?

[h1]Developer Update Announcement: [/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/523298ea7ca3cea0c336ee5ff00e19438a388999.png[/img] Attention, Mercenaries: This is a formal notification regarding the upcoming deployment of Vorax into Early Access. Your participation is crucial for the success of this operation. [h2]Mission Briefing:[/h2] Our development team has been diligently preparing for this phase, ensuring that every aspect of Vorax is ready for rigorous testing. Your involvement will provide valuable data and feedback necessary for the refinement of the game. [h2]Operational Details:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/bb479dcdf4d7a9e28c21f20d261ed7c4c5124cb7.png[/img] [list] [*] Release Date: The Early Access phase will commence in [b]4 weeks.[/b] [*] New Features: This deployment will include many surprises, tweaks, and new features, some of which are already playable in the latest version. [*] Engine Upgrade: We will be upgrading to [b]Unreal Engine 5.4[/b] in a few days to enhance performance and visuals. [/list] [h2]Community Engagement:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/c0c69c824c78b934cab0e01101e3852583b89cf5.png[/img] We extend a big thank you to the hundreds of supporters who have already purchased from IndieGala. New supporters can get their Steam key early from the[url=] IndieGala store[/url], with a [b]special[/b] [b]surprise[/b], which will be announced later. We encourage you to engage with us on [b]Discord[/b] to provide feedback and report any issues. Your continuous support is essential for the improvement of Vorax. [h2]Upcoming Operations:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/f140cb4facb2ddd1c33b7e6816f222c7b117658a.png[/img] [list] [*] Content Expansion: The playable area at release will be 8 times bigger than the initial Demo version. [*] New Additions: We are working on new monsters and a new boss, with significant updates coming over the next 4 weeks, including the[b] Olive Factory boss and the School boss.[/b] [*] Regular updates will be deployed until and throughout the Early Access phase based on your feedback. These updates will include new content, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Detailed patch notes will be provided with each update. [/list] [h2]Action Required:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42117934/73167188b951caa7a072788d2c0141333677f405.png[/img] Your mission is to engage with Vorax, thoroughly test all features, and survive the challenges presented. This is an essential part of the game's development process. For feedback and inquiries, join our [url=]Discord[/url]. Your input is critical and will directly influence the development of Vorax. Thank you for your commitment and support. The Vorax Development Team [i](If you have any feedback or any questions, you may get in touch with us by joining our Discord. Your constant support is what helps us make this game great.)[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url]