Recode Progress Update #7 - Growth, UI and sharing thoughts

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/66e6260eaa15e946fcb21096ca9cd17088b5ab16.png[/img] [h3][b]Hello, everyone[/b][/h3] [b]In this recode we're going to go over a couple things, share an idea for the a diet/questing system but first lets start with the UI and some changes that were made[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/7128ff6fe314910e5fa19dd7d07e433dc6498fc0.png[/img] There's been a few changes made here, it will show your current growth size, stored fat & body temperature, yes the temperature returns for the recode, a bit of time was spent on getting this UI fully working and tested properly. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/a40aa0eaf029c2c2ff5013771bf0014f9e7c415c.png[/img] Another new small feature that was needed was an option to mute other players in chat, we know, people can be nasty or ruin your time playing with their sarcastic remarks, we got you covered in the recode [b]Now lets talk about the growth system, you can find a timelapse video below[/b] [previewyoutube=npPRE7Tieqc;full][/previewyoutube] The character will start off at 10% of it's full adult size and will seamlessly grow until it's fully grown, this system works perfect and will be a great introduction, it can also support any model used, so it's a very solid system that can be easily expanded upon [h3][b]Idea[/b][/h3] So now I want to share some of my thoughts on a new Quest/Diet system, I like simple game play and nothing that feels forced, so I combined the Questing with a Diet, so how this works is your animal will want certain things, so lets say you're the Cougar, your Cougars diet will say "Wanting to eat a fish" or "Wanting to eat Prime Meat" what is prime meat? Prime meat is the type of animal thats killed, and it must be a herbivore, Animals like a Moose, Elk etc. will supply you with Prime meat and animals like a Boar, Mule Deer etc. will not, that's just standard meat, Your animal will also have negative side effects for eating other carnivores, which over time can lead to death, so the diet system will follow a quest like system, although its not required it can change how your animals mood feels, with that there will be a semi quest system, so the quest system will say something like "Wanting to explore" so you need to walk around the map a little bit and allow your animal to explore a little bit, otherwise it can impact its overall mood, other things such as "Wanting to swim" these little things you can do for your animal to improve its mood will fill the gaps when gameplay is a tad stale or not much to do Baby animals will have different types of quests, things that match babies, such as "Wanting to run" or "wanting to jump" or "wanting to be near my mother" etc. theres a lot that can be done with this system to enhance your gameplay, these are just examples, but I will have a full indepth list for each animal to ensure its unique to certain animals as possible, such as bears, they like berries/fish where as cougars like just the fish [b]PingPerfect[/b] I also want to mention Ping Perfect is celebrating their 10 Year anniversary by offering you up to a month of free server hosting, which is pretty cool, you can host a server for this game [url=]here [/url]via ping perfect John 14:6-7 [b]Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him."[/b] That's all I have to share for this week, will have more news in the following week, I will see you next time [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/2fe60939a8af49af79aac371a2af679f1fcfa82d.png[/img][/url]