Recode progress update #6

The Cenozoic Era

The Cenozoic Era is a realistic animal survival game taking place during the rise of mammals, take control of a variety of animals and fight to survive among other players to reach the top of the food chain. Death, Destruction, Survival, Scavenge, Nature, Thrive, Conquer, Hunt. The Cenozoic Era

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/f24db32afd94b3afefb0846dd323e379b7ee0ac5.png[/img] Hello everyone, This recode update is a bit small, a lot of time has been spent on setting up EOS and getting the servers up and running which I have been able to successfully do, We still have lots left to complete, we did the main menu, server browser and loading screen and of course the backend work for the server. We also setup the temperature system, world clock and chat system. This coming week will be spent on adding more gameplay mechanics to the game, finishing off the temperature system, wrapping up the cougar and introducing a herbivore, once these two are fully ready the next step is roll out beta testing the recode which will be opened to everyone to try, it will be on a different branch, this will help test the server speeds, mechanics, lag etc. however this testing phase will not include the new map until we're closer to the game being ready for its transition over to the main branch, we're getting there [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43288420/2fe60939a8af49af79aac371a2af679f1fcfa82d.png[/img][/url]