Quick Update: Water & Fish in Ghost Song

Ghost Song

On the desolate moon of Lorian, a long-dormant Deadsuit awakens from slumber. Journey beneath the surface on an atmospheric 2D adventure of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and cosmic terror. Explore winding caverns and acquire new abilities to unearth this alien world’s long-buried secrets.

On occasion I will be posting [b]Quick Updates[/b], which are intended to be bite sized looks at particular aspects of the game. Today we're going to look at water and fish. If you are able, please turn up your volume so you can listen to the ambient sound design and get a feel for the atmosphere I'm going for! [url=https://streamable.com/v3jvy]Video Link (Streamable)[/url] When deciding how water would work in this game -- Both visually and gameplay-wise -- I decided to use retro games like Mega Man and Metroid as a starting point. I don't think that special swimming mechanics would be particularly fun in this game, so the player can still run and jump while underwater -- Just with significantly alterered physics and gravity. Since this can be challenging and limit your progress in certain sections, there exists items you can get that help you move more freely (or even jump super high!) while submerged. The reason I felt like water was an important part of the game design is because of its oppressive nature and its mystery. Any time you're exploring something deep, dark, and murky you feel as though you're somewhere you't not meant to be, and it really -- at least in my mind -- Contributes to a sense of adventure. This is a game very much about openness, exploration, mystery, and overcoming the odds. Those are some of the most important pillars of the game. With respect to how water works beyond movement, it's all very systems driven. My overall approach to the game is to make things work in (whenever it's possible or realistic) the way it seems most natural that they should work. So, in this case, that means that water cools off your gun barrel (gun barrel heat being a key and consequential mechanic in this game). As a bit of flavor, it also means that if you are dirty or bloody (both things that happen) water will wash you off. There are also fish that will move out of your way - Just like Call Of Duty: Ghosts! -- But if you're clever it may also be possible to sneak up on them and find means of capturing them! What are some of your favorite and least favorite examples of water sections in sidescrollers? How do you feel about water generally? Let me know, I'm very curious! Thank you very much for your time, and there will be more Quick Updates, as well as a playable demo, to come! Matt