Ghost Song Update

Ghost Song

On the desolate moon of Lorian, a long-dormant Deadsuit awakens from slumber. Journey beneath the surface on an atmospheric 2D adventure of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and cosmic terror. Explore winding caverns and acquire new abilities to unearth this alien world’s long-buried secrets.

Some have lamented the lack of updates on the Steam page, and while I've been trying to quietly work until I had more concrete news (particularly about timeline), I do feel we're overdue for some kind of update -- So, here we are. Below is a video that shows about the first 15 minutes of the game. Please also check the description of the video for some individual thoughts from me about things that are in it. Long story short, this is still a fairly hardcore game that avoids holding your hand, it's still quite open, and it's still meant to be a challenge. None of that has changed from the very start. [previewyoutube=BkWz9c2UneU;full][/previewyoutube] This video comes from a recent demo that was made available to supporters and members of the Discord community and other friends. It's about an hour long, and, so far, I'm pleased that it's been pretty well received! So -- The game is still being made. It's just slow going because doing anything decent by yourself gamedev wise is just really time consuming. And while I *still* can't provide a concrete timeline about release, I do want to give you all my assurances that the game is still being made, and that it's getting pretty far along now. I may be a poor communicator at times -- but I've never stopped working on the game. Thank you all for your support, and if what you've seen here interests you, please add Ghost Song to your wishlist if you haven't already! That specific act helps developers a lot! Matt [url=]@mattwhitedev[/url]