Preliminary Aim Mode With Mouse implemented

Ghost Song

On the desolate moon of Lorian, a long-dormant Deadsuit awakens from slumber. Journey beneath the surface on an atmospheric 2D adventure of self-discovery, ancient mysteries, and cosmic terror. Explore winding caverns and acquire new abilities to unearth this alien world’s long-buried secrets.

1.1.9 I've been working to respond to feedback from some players who desire improved keyboard and mouse functionality. Even though the game was designed around a controller, I agree with those players that more can be done. [img][/img] In this update, I've added a basic functionality to aim the weapon, when in aim mode, using the mouse. The default keyboard bindings may not be a good configuration for this right now, but I'd suggest mapping movement to WASD, fire to left mouse button, and aim to another mouse button. I'll continue working to refine this. I understand that with some mouse functionality might come the expectation that all UI should also function with the mouse. That's a pretty big task at this point, though, and something that I hope to be able to add in future updates. Thank you for all your kind support and let me know if you encounter any issues. This hasn't been heavily tested yet, but I figure some mouse functionality is better than none, and I'll keep working on it. Matt