Pumpkin Patch 1.0.0 + Pumpkin Days is out of Early Access YAY!

Pumpkin Days

Pumpkin Days is a traditional farming RPG. Pick one of three towns to start your farming adventure. Farm, fish, mine, catch bugs, raise animals, and more. Help fill out the museum to stop a factory from being built on the island. Unless you wish to side with the factory. The choice is yours.

TLDR: [i]We're out of early access which is exciting, but we're also out of money for development so there are a few imperfections that we weren't able to fix. All the main features are in, there should be no game-breaking bugs. We're still working on the game and we'll still be putting out pumpkin patches. [/i] [b]Yay! We're Out of early access![/b] It's been a long almost 7-year journey developing Pumpkin Days, but we're finally out of early access. [b]Special thank you to everyone who got us to this point.[/b] ♥ The Kickstarter backers who gave this project legs back in 2014. ♥ The YouTubers and Streamers who gave us a major visibility boost when the game was out in early access. ♥ Everyone who hung out and donated on Twitch while we worked on the game. ♥ The Patreon backers who gave us that extra monthly boost for the past year. ♥ All freelancers and artists that contributed art, animation, models, music, writing for the game. A special shoutout to the ones who worked with us when our budget was really tight. ♥ Special shout out to Jayden, who programmed the entire game solo and stayed with the project for 6 years. ♥ Thank you Margaret for managing the community and keeping things organized. ♥ Thanks to my partner who helped keep me going when I wanted to curl up into a ball and give up when things got tough. ♥ Thank you to all the players who bought the game in early access even when it was a mess. The sales helped a ton in giving us the budget to make it to this point [b]We still have work to do[/b] All the main features are implemented, and the bug reports have slowed down quite a bit and so we felt this would be a good time to transition out of early access. However, Pumpkin Days is still not perfect. Given the scope of this project and the size of the team, I'm sure there are things we have missed or things that we wanted to implement but couldn't. We're still going to be polishing the game and fixing issues that are reported when we can. [b]New price[/b] Despite the shortcomings of the game, some players have reported hundreds of hours of gameplay and the average hours played between all players is 30 hours. So I hope the new price will be seen as a fair deal and the extra income will help us cover costs to keep working on the game for the next few months. (Please don't ask us about Steam sales, we're not allowed to say if and when we will put the game on sale before it goes on sale) [b]How can I help?[/b] If you want to help push the development of Pumpkin Days a bit further you can. 1. Buy the game 2. Support us on our [url=https://www.patreon.com/PumpkinDays]Patreon[/url]. There are monthly postcards and stickers of the characters) 3. Gift Pumpkin Days to friends 4. Leave us a positive review if you are enjoying the game. 5. Make fanart and tell other people about the game. Thank you once again, everyone. Remember you can always reach out to the developers on [url=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c052cd_de95ad40eb8d414eb005122beefebcfc~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_332,h_80,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Discord-Logo-Wordmark-WnC.webp]Discord[/url]. If there are any issues, comments or concerns let us know. (Momo's DMs are always open)