Protolife 1.1 — Welcome to the Lab!


Protolife is an unique tower-based strategy game which gives you a direct control over the builder robot in a struggle against the hungry proto-life organism.

Hello everyone! After a long wait we are glad to announce that Protolife Lab institution is finally complete and now hiring new researchers. [img][/img] You are required to participate in experiments* conducted in the safe** controlled environment. [i]* fights[/i] [i]** if you take all necessary precautions, see chapter 2 (Try Not To Die), p67 of the manual.[/i] [h1]Research[/h1] [list] [*]Every experiment is a unique experience on the randomly generated maps with a different challenge level. [*]Once completed, the experiment will provide research data necessary for discovering new technologies. [*]You are in control of setting up experiment conditions. Take a low risk, or go for a high reward. [*]If your experiment is proven to be too tough, you can always return to it later, when you obtain some new weapons. [/list] [img][/img] [h1]Engineering[/h1] [list] [*]You can design a custom tower pattern and use it in your fights. [*]Balance the energy and stats to construct the super-weapons of your choice. [*]Use the experiments data to unlock new gunpoints, stat boosters and behavior modificators. [/list] [h1]New Game+[/h1] [list] [*]New Game+ is now available for everyone who finished the game [*]Manually redesigned levels, including new harder versions of bosses. If you, like me, thought that the original campaign was a bit on the easy side, you will like NG+. [*]All towers available from the start — and as you play, you will unlock a couple of new ones exclusive to the NG+ mode. [/list] We also updated the game with the Steam Trading Cards (finally)! And full patch notes are coming a bit later. If you want to follow / contact us, you can do it here: XOXO, Volcanic Giraffe