Project Rayssus Release schedule guide(24/06/06 14:20 Modify)

Project Rayssus

Mechanic Action MMOTPS Project Rayssus Customize your own Rayssus and use your Weapons, actions, and skills to be active on the battlefield.

Hello, we're RS Games Here is a brief introduction to the upcoming launch schedule and related details of the Project Rayssus [h2][b]-Schedule related to release and content-[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40608495/71432270fd7407b021ec4828cfe40d9620ae28c5.png[/img] [h3][b]June 6th at 10 p.m. - Beta access service will proceed[/b][/h3] [b]What is beta access? [/b] An open beta service period during which system optimization and feedback are received prior to early access service. [i][u]There may be sudden checks or server instability during that period.[/u][/i] [h3][b]June 18 - Early Access Service Proceeds [/b][/h3] The feedback and optimization collected during the beta access period will be applied and restricted content will be lifted. [i][u]Early access will last one year from that date.[/u][/i] [h2][b]-First Rollout Rayssus-[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40608495/b9f9cafb2333ae26543f7f883674eebfe5366731.png[/img] [b]Four Rayssus roll out with beta and early access service launch.[/b] [Standard Rayssus] GramAce / Helios [LightWeight Rayssus] AeroStinger [HeavyWeight Rayssus] SteelGuardian [h2][b]-Beta and Early Access Mission Content-[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40608495/45a86126119f323dcb966fe32315a8b0d1f69a93.png[/img] [h3]The mission content that can be played with beta and early access services is as follows. [/h3] Offline Play Mode - Arena: A mode in which you compete for a one-on-one battle against the AI-controlled Rayssus to earn rewards based on winning or losing. - Standard: It is a normal PVE mode that can be played repeatedly. Online Play Mode -PVE Co-op Mode: A cooperative mode that allows you to play standard mode with players or friends worldwide. -PVP Death Match: PVP mode in which up to 8 people single-handedly shoot down as many opponent Rayssus as possible to win or lose. -PVP Team Death Match: A team PVP mode in which up to 16 people shoot down the opponent's Rayssus to win or lose. *Corrected on June 6, 2024, 2:20 PM Regarding the release schedule, we requested Steam to inspect the release schedule and the final procedure. However, I received the information from Steam that it will take 1 to 2 more days to inspect the schedule and proceed with the procedure Inevitably, the schedule for starting beta access has been changed to 10 a.m. on June 8, 2024. There are no other changes in the schedule. Please understand this [h3][u]Network Play Guide[/u][/h3] Project Rayssus is an online game, so if you can't connect to the network, you can't play the game. In addition, since it is a global integrated server, there may be ping differences between users by region. Republic of Korea - 10–30 ms / Japan 40–70 ms / EU & North America 90–130 ms * If the ping difference is more than 300ms different or unstable, the connection to the server is terminated or KickOut by the multiplay's room by system during More details will be delivered through a detailed announcement on the morning of June 6th *Corrected on June 6, 2024, 2:20 PM Regarding the release schedule, we asked Steam to inspect the release schedule and final procedure. However, I have been informed by Steam that it will take about 1 to 2 more days to inspect and proceed with the procedure regarding the schedule Inevitably, we have changed the schedule to start beta access to 10 a.m. on June 8, 2024. There are no other changes in the schedule. Please understand this