Presence Lookout Dev Update: Pre-release 2 - The Small House

Presence Lookout

Presence: Lookout is a "spot the difference" horror game - Play a surveillance worker, monitoring footage and looking out for anomalies. Anomalies can be anything from an object that has been moved to another location, rotated or even an unknown entity that shouldn't be. Report the Anomalies to win!

Welcome to the Second Dev Update for Presence Lookout! In this blog post I wanted to share a little bit about the Small House! The Small House is the very first map you will come across and have unlocked in the game. The small house comes with five rooms and five cameras - Kitchen, Hallway, Living Room, one bedroom and a bathroom. [h3][b]Kitchen[/b][/h3] The Kitchen was the very first room in which I started puzzling together. The kitchen contains a dining table, plenty of worktop space a large refrigerator/freezer, cooker and some other smaller appliances you would expect to find within a kitchen. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44697426/14216f4918025257b486ce92ed614ff44552ca0f.png[/img] [i]The Kitchen - Pre-release image, subject to change.[/i] [h3][b]Living Room[/b][/h3] A house is not a home without a cosy living room! The Living room being the second room in which I started to build in this map, I wanted to make it feel cosy and not too cluttered while also trying to have enough fun anomalies to fix. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44697426/a3f01108888d08aa17f557d348649db90b5f8bcc.png[/img] [i]The Living Room - Pre-release image, subject to change.[/i] [h3][b]Bedroom[/b][/h3] And of course, a house also needs a place for the occupant(s) to sleep! Featuring a Queen sized bed, two bedside tables, wardrobe and dressing table the bedroom has everything anyone would want in their house. It also has a view of the outside world 👀 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44697426/c6bfc61821e02cbface246ea6e64df1c1b750236.png[/img] [i]Bedroom - Pre-release image, subject to change.[/i] As previously mentioned, I am very excited to get this game released ready to take on player feedback, ideas and to implement my next ideas for locations as well as anomalies! Ensure to join the [url=]Discord Guild - HERE[/url] and to Follow/Wishlist the game to be notified of release and to get more Dev updates! That is it for now, My plan for the next Dev Update is to explain more about the back story and lore for the game, as well as possibly sharing some of the game's UI and Menus.