Take control of limitless power in Prehistoric Kingdom to build, manage and grow the ultimate zoo for extinct animals.
Welcome, [b]Park Managers[/b]!
This hotfix fixes issues such as animals not eating from feeders, crashes, and some critical save/load issues.
Please send your feedback and bug reports to our [url=https://discord.com/invite/pkgame]Discord server's[/url] appropriate channel. Thank you!
[h1]Full Patch Notes[/h1]
[*] [b]Animals[/b][list]
[*] Reduced amount of time it takes animals to get dry after emerging from bodies of water[/list][/list][h2]Bug Fixes[/h2][list]
[*] [b]Crashes[/b][list]
[*] Fixed an issue during shutdown which could cause a crash
[*] Fixed a couple oversights in terraforming that could potentially cause crashes when terraforming near the edge of the map[/list][*] [b]Critical[/b][list]
[*] Fixed a critical save/load issue related to empty animal info screens
[*] Improved modular/save load behavior so that file writing errors for specific pieces won’t completely skip saving the whole modular group - this will minimize missing groups on load in the future
[*] Fixed critical modular bug causing random extra ‘ghost’ pieces to be loaded in bulk in saves
[*] Fixed click input collision that would cause actions to finalize if left click input is detected during right click hold input
[*] Addressed animals not being able to eat from feeders until moved[/list][*] [b]Buildings & Scenery[/b][list]
[*] Fixed bad floor collision on official prefab ‘Rustic Restaurant’[/list][*] [b]Environment[/b][list]
[*] Fixed Aurora not showing up in the ‘Canadian Rockies’ level[/list][*] [b]UI/UX[/b][list]
[*] Fixed GUI exception in the modular Storage Widget
[*] Fixed a layout issue at the bottom of the Modular Prefab saving panel[/list][/list]