Hello, everyone!
It’s been a little while since our last dev update, but rest assured, this has been a productive time! We’ve got a video covering some of the updates that have been added to the game since we last spoke, but here are some highlights!
[b]- Electricity System Added To Base Bulding[/b]
You can now add the electricity system to your base. You can add fuse boxes, sockets, switches and hook up a generator to your house. This also includes upgrades that you let you add individual fuses so different rooms can run off different fuses.
[b]- New Area: Fishing Village[/b]
We have added a whole new area based around a fishing economy. There are plenty of buildings and interesting new loot to find here!
[b]- Enemy AI Updates[/b]
Robots now patrol certain areas as a part of the PVE component of the game. Some will attack on sight and, if defeated, will have different kinds of components you can loot.
[b]- Base Building Adjustments [/b]
You can now create larger buildings without having to rely as much on pillars, thanks to a new stability system. You can also add more refinement to where you place walls and ceilings.
You can also use different materials on the outside of the wall as you can on the inside, leading to more self-expression and customisation.
[b]- Liquid Fuel Systems[/b]
Fuel can now be taken in containers from places like cars, stored, and added to larger fuel-holding containers with our liquid fuel system. You can now fill a barrel, load that barrel on the back of your truck, and take it back to your compound!
You can watch all of these systems in action here.
This isn’t everything, so we will make more of these updates for you as we progress. You can also expect Q&A videos and more minor updates on our [url=https://www.youtube.com/@Techtive-Games]YouTube channel[/url], so it’s worth subscribing to!
We will have more news about our next playtest soon, so keep your eyes on Steam and our [url=https://discord.gg/ardem]Discord[/url]!
See you in Ardem,
– Techtive Games.