Portal Dungeon - Update v1.13

Portal Dungeon

Portal Dungeon is a side-scrolling Roguelite adventure game that supports up to 4 players in co-op mode. You control an adventurer as you and your friends bravely set out to find the last portal in this world. Go forth! Defeat powerful enemies! Save the world!

[h1]Update[/h1] [list] [*] Three new pets have been added. [*] Warrior skin 1: damage adjustment: 500%>1000%, skill cooldown adjustment: 30%>40%. [*] Mage's Skin 2: The size of the meteorite is increased by 100%. [*] Shield Soldier's Skin 1: Damage adjustment: 50%>100%. [*] Shield Soldier Skin 3: Summon duration adjustment: 10 seconds > 30 seconds, damage adjustment 600% > 800%. [*] Robot skin 1: Summon interval adjustment: 15 seconds > 5 seconds. [*] Robot Skin 3: Damage adjustment: 500%>1200%, explosion range increased by 100%. [*] Paladin's weapon size increased by 40%. [*] Paladin’s normal attack damage adjustment: 180%>250%. [*] Paladin’s skill 3 recovery value adjustment: 2%>6%. [*] Engineer's Skin 2: Damage adjustment: 350%>500%. [/list]