Portal Dungeon - Update v1.04

[list] [*]Added a new character: Shaman. [list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42374270/a72ca75d70ed473da36916b54f2e7596979c18e9.png[/img] [*] Ability : For each active totem ally, damage increases by 3%. [*] Normal Attack : Shoot thorns to deal 150% damage to the target. [*] Skill 1 : Summon a Flame Totem that shoots fireballs at nearby enemies, each dealing 150% damage, lasting for 6 seconds. [*] Skill 2 : Summon a Curse Totem that slows enemies' movement speed by 50% within a certain area and deals 100% damage per second, lasting for 6 seconds. [*] Skill 3 : Summon a Healing Totem that restores your own and allies' health within a certain area, providing a healing effect of 3% of max health per second, lasting for 10 seconds. [*] Skill 4 : Summon an Ultimate Totem with health, providing 30% movement speed and attack power for 10 seconds (effect cannot stack). [/list] [*]Fixed the problem that the laser collision of the EX level boss does not match the actual image display. [/list] [h2]v1.041[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed not being able to continue game progress with shaman. [/list]