Portal Dungeon : DLC New Hero [Hamster] - Now Available!

[img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2860320/extras/DLC2-1.gif?t=1710311724[/img] [list] In the world of "Portal Dungeon," a mysterious new hero suddenly appears, possessing powerful intelligence and a petite figure. [*] New hero: Hamster [list] [*] Ability: The faster the movement speed, the higher the attack power. Increases damage by 5% for every 20% increase in movement speed, up to 100%. [*] Normal Attack : The energy cannon will automatically attack nearby enemies, dealing 100% damage. Holding the button will start charging, increasing the energy cannon's damage by 100%. [*] Skill 1: Allows the energy cannon to penetrate all targets, lasting for 10 seconds. [*] Skill 2: Generates a powerful lightning barrier around, dealing 300% damage every 0.5 seconds, lasting 5 seconds. [*] Skill 3: Movement speed increased by 50% and gains 100% armor, lasting 8 seconds. [*] Skill 4: Targets all targets on the screen, shoots laser beams after 1.5 seconds, dealing 700% damage. If there are 5 or fewer targets, damage increased by 200%. [/list] [/list] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2860320/_/