Playtest Update #1

Cats vs. Aliens Playtest

[h1]The First of Many![/h1] It's been a week since I first opened up playtesting for all of you lovely Invaders! Having you wonderful folks check out my game on your machines has been both very helpful and very rewarding. I've received a lot of interest and suggestions, both of which I am so grateful for. Read on to see how you've helped! [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*]Added missing art for the Some Loot upgrade choice [*]Fixed some typos (if you see more, please let me know so I can get rid of them. It's really low-hanging debugging fruit) [*]Fixed (hopefully) an issue where some people and any folks using the Steam Deck were unable to pick up quests. Please beat the hell out of this system and try to break it again. I want to know if it's *actually* working now. [*]Fixed an issue where the upgrades for the Reinforced Claws were affecting the Energy Spheres instead [*]Fixed a problem where Stone harvest nodes were not reacting to player input for a couple of swings. [/list] Let's keep up the momentum! Test away and let me know what you find that's a problem or just a little annoying [h1]Happy Invading![/h1]