Piko Patch Notes - Version 0.13 - November 27th

Piko Piko

Take control of Piko, our hammer wielding heroine, as you bash things up with a big hammer in this cute Anime-styled 2D metroidvania-inspired adventure! Uncover mysteries! Beat the bad guys who do naughty things! Explore the Piko Piko world with her floof fox friend!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35101177/b10fec626bffc3e6fa7cfb5aad891a4949dee8f4.gif[/img] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]New Areas [*]Hidden Boss [*]New SFX added to game [*]Fixes for control issues with using a game controller on the main menu [*]Crouching slide added [*]Adjustments to minimap system [*]Adjustments to Piko's uppercut attack (Planning to change to a different button in future) [*]Adjustment to desks in classroom so player "should" not get stuck anymore [*]Ability to advance dialog during the scene where Piko first meets Neko. (press up on dpad) Still needs to be further adjusted to use the controller buttons instead. [*]Tomato Girl Boss softlock fix. "Let us know if it still happens" [/list] Hey there fellow Piko Pikoers! *insert old guy with a skateboard meme First off wanted to let you all know why the version suddenly jumped from 0.11 to 0.13. There was a kinda large issue with 0.12 which was fixed and with all the other additions to the build, we decided to name it 0.13 instead. 0.12 has been safely quarantined away from the public! There are still various issues remaining in the game and some new ones have appeared such as dialog text having vanished, but will be working hard on finding the cause and getting that bug squished! So we do apologize for the "dust" while we work to get things back in proper order! As always we thank you all for being so patient as Marquet continues to burn the midnight oil and continue on with the development of Piko Piko! Our next news post we will be sharing more gifs that show what else is in store for Piko and her adventures, so stay tuned! For those who want to report bugs or leave feedback please use the links below! Bug Reports https://steamcommunity.com/app/1079200/discussions/1/ Feedback https://steamcommunity.com/app/1079200/discussions/2/ Will see you all next update! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35101177/90b6514feebbb37b8e9b692ece6441faeb9911a6.gif[/img]