Piko Patch Notes - Version 0.09 - September 26th

Piko Piko

Take control of Piko, our hammer wielding heroine, as you bash things up with a big hammer in this cute Anime-styled 2D metroidvania-inspired adventure! Uncover mysteries! Beat the bad guys who do naughty things! Explore the Piko Piko world with her floof fox friend!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/35101177/b10fec626bffc3e6fa7cfb5aad891a4949dee8f4.gif[/img] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed the ENTER menu on game startup. [*]Fixes to collision. [*]Further adjustments to new save game menu and functionality. [*]Game now autosaves when player passes by a save Statue. [*]New death animation for player when life reaches 0. [*]Minimap system has been done. [*]Menu now displays the CANCEL / SELECT keys. [*]Further adjustments on the softlock issues. [/list] *This latest patch will update the main branch of the game. So you folks who are using the [pikoalphatest] branch of the game, feel free to switch over to the main branch. We will let everyone know in the event if an update will use the alpha branch again! ****************** Hey there Piko Pikoers! We know its been a while since the last update and we do apologize about that! The good news is that Marquet has been hard at work further improving the critical backend features of the game such as redoing the Save System and how there now is a proper Autosave functionality when the player runs past a save statue. Due to various issues with the older save system the implementation of the new save system took a bit of time to get right. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35101177/5bc79545d09cc8d685d1395a35d8fc07b50275a3.gif[/img] Example of the new autosave system. Asides from that Marquet was busy further working on the new text display system and we are still currently working on adjusting the display and formatting for all the languages. The artist has made a neat new animation for Piko when her life reaches zero. Check out the example gif below! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35101177/16ccf559b16ff4f4a9b28dd07828cffccedaa485.gif[/img] Here is an example gif of the changes to the minimap. Though please do ignore the "Map: Piko House" text display as that still has not been adjusted! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35101177/65b4cb0e869a7424ec62c9c524b418ddb3acaf56.gif[/img] We appreciate your continued support and patience and we will see you all next update!