Alpha Branch instruction access for Piko Piko Early Access

Piko Piko

Take control of Piko, our hammer wielding heroine, as you bash things up with a big hammer in this cute Anime-styled 2D metroidvania-inspired adventure! Uncover mysteries! Beat the bad guys who do naughty things! Explore the Piko Piko world with her floof fox friend!

Instructions on how to access the "Alpha branch for the latest version of Piko Piko" Early Access users can access the branch by following the steps below. [img][/img] [list] [*]In your Steam game Library, right click on Piko Piko and select "Properties" in the drop down menu. [/list] [img][/img] [list] [*]On the Piko Piko - Properties window select the "BETAS" tab. [*]Enter the beta access code "pikopikopiko" then press the "CHECK CODE" button. [*]"Access code correct, private beta 'pikoalphatest' is now available" will display under the beta access code section. [/list] [img][/img] [list] [*]Open the "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" drop down menu and select "pikoalphatest - Alpha build branch" [*]Close the window. [*]Back in your library Piko Piko should display as "Piko Piko [pikoalphatest]" [*]To switch back to the previous version, just open the beta drop down menu again and select the Opt out of all Beta options [/list] We will switch the Alpha branch to the Main Game branch of the game once we confirm that the new version is in an acceptable condition for the switch.