Performance Update (0.8.4)

[h3]Performance[/h3] [list] [*] Loading time (average) reduced from ~16.1 seconds to ~8.8 seconds (83% improvement) [*] RAM utilization (average) reduced from ~3.9 GB to ~3.3 GB (18% improvement) [*] Game Storage on Disk reduced from 6.25 GB to 4.62 GB (35% improvement) [/list] *The performance improvements might be different from one system to another. [h3]Challenge Balance[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Survivors:[/b] Enemy have [strike]250%[/strike] -> 225% more HP. [*] [b]Flame Bearer: [/b]Buff increased from 50% to 80% Attack Speed, Heal Received and Shield Received. [*] [b]Relic Squad:[/b] Base difficulty increased from Challenger to Flame Master. [/list] [h3]Enemy Balance[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Xea Gods (Act 3 boss):[/b] HP increased by 10%. [*] [b]Vizera (Act 4 boss):[/b] Attack Damage increased by 10%, Spell Damage increased by 40% [*] [b]Corruptor (Act 4 boss):[/b] HP increased by 12%, Attack Damage increased by 6% [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43160826/816072e145afe8e28f097055e6509c8b2962ed9a.png[/img] [b][h2]Join the community![/h2][/b] If you want to talk about TLF with other players, discuss strategies or ask me and other players any question, the [url=]discord[/url] is the perfect place for that!