[b][h3]Act 4 has been expanded![/h3][/b]
[list][*] It now offers the choice between a campfire or a shop followed by 2 new bosses (witch do not give any reward other than passive XP) and then finally the Final Boss (hands).
[*] Act 4 will require a well rounded team now more than ever as the new bosses will require specific strategies to be taken down!
[b][h3]Balance Changes[/h3][/b][list]
[*] Mana Regen is now capped at 150 (down from 1000).
[*] All enemies' HP and Damage have been increased by about 2-3% depending on the Act (on all difficulties and modes).
[*] [b][Enraging Death][/b] (Final Boss (hands) passive): On death, increase the attack speed of all other enemies by: 50% -> 75%.