Custom Game Mode Update (0.6.9)

[h2]The Custom Game Mode is now available![/h2] [list] [*] Tweak the difficulty to your preference which includes individual act specific settings for both enemies' damage and HP. [*] Turn on/off any of the challenges and/or endless. [*] Additional settings available such as opting out of any unlocked set, choosing your starting heroes, etc... [*] Code to share with friends and the community for them to attempt your custom game settings. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43160826/cdb83f3d9eed32b32f9d2e51ec7f3a90aee0af14.png[/img] [b]More Info:[/b][list] [*] The Custom Game Mode is unlocked at Unlock 8/8 (All In) [*] While you open the settings menu in a run, you can now see what difficulty (endless/ not endless) or challenge you are playing on. It's located at the top of the screen. If you are in a custom game, you can also click on the custom game code to see the current settings. [*] You can also preview the custom game's settings in the run history and in the post run window by clicking on the custom game's code. [*] Main menu: Improved UI (icon) for opting in and out of the Surge Set. [/list] [h2]Other Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Winrate for Challenges is now available (has to be enabled from settings -> gameplay -> "Show Challenge's Winrate" ). Note that this feature is only effective from this patch (Your challenges' win and losses were not registered previously). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43160826/62185ab5ae03e16f15fcc7ef6231ff3d9e3a4cc4.png[/img] [*] Improved the Swap Passive confirmation with a "?" info hover and change of the button with a glow visual and change in words "reroll new passives" -> "reveal passives" [*] Emily's active ability damage: 200 -> 180 [*] Emily and Khiro abilites' videos have been updated to match their reworked ability from the previous update. [*] Savos' buffbots (summons) no longer block heroes. [*] Kris orbs can now count as attack critical strikes if they crit (requires omnicrit to crit). [*] Powerful Staff, Hidden Blade, Healing Helm, Shielding Hood now have full buff description. Previously, they just mentioned the amount of stacks. [/list] [h3][b]Join our community on [url=]discord[/url] ![/b][/h3]