Patch: V1.05

Scavenger SV-4

Scavenger SV-4 is a highly replayable atmospheric first-person science fiction game. Part simulator, part roguelike, it has elements of action, combat, resource management, and a dash of horror. It is not quite like any game you have played before.

Hi, everyone. I've just deployed the v1.05 update to you all. Patch notes: [list] [*]New feature: Active Research. Research runs on the selected slot with +20% bonus speed, if you are actively using the science terminal. Thanks, charlesdegregorio. [*]Gameplay adjustment: Radar ranges adjusted downward to avoid low value radars being more useful in the field than high value radars - thanks Wakandan Knuckles. [*]Tribute: Added a small decorative memorial easter egg for characters named SpectaKoo. [*]Bug fix: Embarassingly, you could launch the rover via the main terminal interface, despite pending cargo operations still requiring it - thanks, Lantantan. [*]Bug fix: Efficiency of "particularly efficient" power storage devices had an incorrect formula, making them be the opposite - thanks, Wakandan Knuckles. [*]Bug fix: Fixed a bug that I don't even want to talk about, except to say that ghostrebel is a diabolical genius. Thanks, ghostrebel. [*]Bug fix: Fixed a bug that would allow you to [redacted] the [secret] if you [censored] the [illegible]. Thanks, Deoxys; you are also a diabolical genius. [*]Bug fix: Objects being moved onto the rover, outside the garage, could conceivably be preinstalled in error. [*]Bug fix: Mortars fired in space would use the wrong colorspace, and produce bluish-purple smoke. [*]Bug fix: Loading a saved game, after saving another game, could result in incorrect cargo system animations persisting into the new game. [*]Bug fix: Altered Steam repository such that you will hopefully stop seeing the harmless "2 files repaired" message, if you validate integrity. [/list] Still working on: Why blue smoke can show up in your cockpit. (I'd swear it can't, except that I have screenshots proving the contrary...) Pre-patch BuildID: 2612918 Post-patch BuildID: 2651673