Patch v0.91b59 now Live!

[img][/img] [i]Good Lord, that office screenshot is old![/i] Hey ECHOs! A new version has been pushed to Steam! Let's see what's changed for [b]v0.91b59[/b]: [list] [*] New end of mission / elevator sequence logic. Players will now have to endure a wave of enemies while the elevator arrives, and then exfiltrate before the doors close. [*] Major UI rework to Sentinel customization scree. More to come. [*] Improved the UI when creating a lobby and choosing a sector. [*] Players will not be able to join a lobby hosted by a different game version than the one they are running. This should reduce the amount of issues encountered while playing. [*] Mission modifiers that require multiple players will now no longer have any effect if a mission launches with just one player in it. [*] Chat no longer closes randomly or lose focus when hovering over other elements. [*] Chat is still accessible even when choosing to play with a controller (TAB to open; still missing an proper UI to indicate this). [*] 4K resolution support fix. [*] Ultra Wide support (black bars will be present, but it should not stretch the UI beyond the screen). [*] Fixed issue where weapons would have higher stats than intended on first unlock of passive Mark upgrades. [*] Reduced the amount of damage from other players when the Friendly Fire modifier is active. [*] Rocket Barrage cooldown increased from 5s (dev testing values) to 20s. [*] Fixed Lobby text chat where messages would be repeated several times. [*] Minimap no longer stops working when the host's Sentinel is destroyed. [*] Added UI element to indicate that a Sentinel has been destroyed. [*] Fixed an issue where sometimes combat music would stop working. [*] Fixed an issue with the Flamethrower would continue to emit sound when in multiplayer. [*] Enemies can now open doors and should no longer be stuck in inaccessible locations. [/list] [b]Some known issues for v0.91b59:[/b] - Mission report screen will sometimes not track the player's stats and medals correctly. We're still trying to figure out where it's going wrong and what triggers these stats to stop working.