Out of Early Access, yay!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32195635/6ed26a59221a16e49120a2fe01883c6ff059116c.jpg[/img] Hey there ECHOs! First let me begin with a HUGE Thank You! Not only to those who played our game, but also to those who helped out in the process of making it better, and even a thank you to those who had criticisms - we are humbled by your great feedback, and by your help in making our project better. As you can see we have come a long way since the last days of February.the game back then lacked a ton of features, variety, SFX, VFX, maps, balancing, Sentinels, and so many more things. But our focus now, is not to talk about the past, but about the future. You see we promised that we would leave Early Access by the end of April, and we intended to keep that promise within a reasonable timetable, and lo and behold here we are a month later, but no more delays, today Trident’s Wake goes live. This past month, we were working on some extra QoL fixes, such as localization in a plethora of languages, reworked a enemy from scratch and also added a final mission. For those interested in the story, we also added an outro movie to wrap up the game’s narrative. Once we fully launch, we still have plans for Trident’s Wake. One of the core issues players have mentioned is the necessity of making the networking more flexible; drop-in/out from sessions, ongoing parties, more users, and so forth. We aim to fix this by doing a whole revamp of the networking system, this of course, will take time (probably more than a couple of months) in which we will make the game platform agnostic, which, hopefully will increase its reach, while also addressing the issues mentioned above. Also, this networking revamp will allow for cross-platform play to give more possibilities for the future. Needless to say, this is not the only thing we would like to work on, oh no! We will also seek ways to keep improving the game - within the realm of possibilities - with suggestions that you, the community have made alongside us. Some things that come to mind are: mission variety, more player agency, more weaponry, enemy AI, and some other tweaks that could improve the overall experience of the game, alongside the matchmaking system. Once again we thank you for your support, and if you’d like to give us a hand, please reach out to us, talk to us, or even just post a review! We at Bacus Studios, and Graffiti Games bid you an amazing day.