Patch - v0.7.1

[list] [*] We've fixed a bug that caused some voice clips to play the male Captain's voice while playing with the female Captain. [*] We've fixed a bug that caused pages to be turned in pairs when examining the item Excerpt from Franz Clifford's Journal. [*] Fixed a bug that caused mercenary ships to reset when equipping them unless the game was saved and reloaded. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause a softlock during the final event. [*] Fixed a bug that caused a softlock when trying to assign a mission in a sector where all zones had events assigned to them. [*] Fixed a bug that caused already dead characters to appear in the Sabotage event. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the "Make a Run for it" achievement to not be given. [*] Fixed a bug that caused the "Surprise, Surprise!" achievement to be given by mistake. [*] We've fixed a possible softlock in the Security Protocol mission. [*] We've fixed several text errors. [/list]