Greetings captains!
The development of chapter 6 is almost finished. We still need to add a few more illustrations and fix some bugs and performance issues. We plan to release the public version in a couple of weeks.
Thank you for your support!
[h3]Change Log Beta Patch - v0.7.0b12[/h3]
[*] 50 new illustrations have been added for the events and missions of the new chapter. Some more illustrations for the final events still need to be added.
[*] Some of the old illustrations have been modified.
[*] Two new music themes have been added for the final missions.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused the Captain to be assigned more points than available for their level.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused automatic weapons to fire when a battle was paused.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused links to neighboring sectors in the star map not to display correctly.
[*] Several errors in the text have been fixed.
[*] Locations have been updated.