Greetings, Captains!
We know it's been a long wait, but the final chapter of the main campaign of Between the Stars is finally available!
In this chapter you will experience the conclusion of the story through more than 50 new events and quests, new music themes composed for the occasion, and more than fifty brand new illustrations for this chapter.
Now that the main story is finished, we will continue working to improve some existing aspects of the game before the final release of version 1.0.
Time to get back to your ships, and experience the conclusion to the war against the Children of the Sun!
[h3]Change Log[/h3]
[*] More than 50 new missions and main events.
[*] More than 800 new dubbed lines of dialogue.
[*] A new playable ship.
[*] 86 new illustrations have been added for the events and missions of the new chapter.
[*] Some of the old illustrations have been modified.
[*] Two new music themes have been added for the final missions.
[*] 19 new achievements.
[*] We've added a new defensive system: the AM-380 Anti-Mine Cannon is an anti-aircraft defense system capable of destroying explosive mines. When there are no mines nearby, the AM-380 causes light damage to enemy ships within shot.
[*] A new system has been added: Electromagnetic Shielding Generator. It offers the ability Electromagnetic Shielding which makes the ship resistant to any electromagnetic pulse.
[*] A new animation has been created for dice rolls. Now, the die with the highest value is highlighted to avoid confusion and doubts about the result of the roll.
[*] We've created a new animation for combat dice rolls.
[*] We've improved the visual effects of the destruction of the stations.
[*] Sheep is now played by another voice actor. We have replaced all the audios of Sheep with the new ones.
[*] We've added new Thompson voice audios and replaced the old voice audios. Thompson is now played by another actress.
[*] Main missions now always appear first in the objectives list at the top right of the screen.
[*] Hit detection is now much more accurate and the detection issues that were experienced previously should have been fixed.
[*] Now allied companion spaceships level up and improve their skills.
[*] We've reduced the probability of enemies to equip weapons capable of stunning the player.
[*] We've reduced the time during which the player is stunned by an enemy attack.
[*] Enemies can no longer equip the SB-87 Shield Booster system.
[*] The damage caused by enemies to the player has been reduced by 20%.
[*] Description has been added to the Lucky attribute.
[*] We've fixed a bug that caused the automatic targeting system to stop working when RB was held down using a controller.
[*] We've fixed a bug that caused two of the Genesis defensive weapons to be placed on the wrong sides of the ship.
[*] Fixed a bug in the game physics that caused ships to accelerate upwards when stationary. This bug also caused performance issues.
[*] We've fixed a bug that made the player unable to inspect the Decoded Eye item.
[*] We've fixed a bug that allowed the player to enter the inventory and the star map while being in the internal ship's events menu.
[*] We've fixed a bug that caused some crewmembers to not die during text events.
[*] We've fixed a bug that caused lasers to hit a few meters away from enemy ships.
[*] We've fixed a graphical issue that caused a transparent square to appear behind the letters of some texts on small screen resolutions.
[*] We've fixed a softlock that occurred if a combat was started with the inventory open.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused the Captain to be assigned more points than available for their level.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused automatic weapons to fire when a battle was paused.
[*] Fixed a bug that caused links to neighboring sectors in the star map not to display correctly.
[*] Many text errors have been corrected.
[*] The game is now fully translated into French.