Beta Patch - v0.7.0b5

[list] [*] We have fixed a bug that allowed the player to go to the final battle sector without the Genesis, which caused a softlock when playing the mission. Now you must have the Genesis and eight crew members to start the final mission. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused missiles not hitting the cannons that have to be destroyed in the Tacet Stella mission. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused that the Decoded Eye item couldn't be inspected. [*] We have fixed a bug that allowed the player to enter the inventory and the star map while being in the internal ship's events menu. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused some crew members to not die during text events. [*] We have fixed a bug that caused crew members to not appear wearing the Children of the Sun uniform in Horus station missions. [*] Numerous text errors have been fixed. [/list]