Patch Notes version 0.1.175184.28.s


Explore mysterious lands after a magical storm strands you on the shore of Vanaheim. Seek out help from the gods inspired by Norse Mythology in a Singleplayer Combat-Free Adventure-Puzzle Game. A game about helping each other, Kari is developed by students from BUas.

[u][b]Notice[/b][/u]: Since we are in active development during beta we sometimes make changes that are incompatible with the previous version of the game invalidating your save file. [h2]General Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Updated lighting [*] Updated water visuals [*] Updated various textures [*] Njord's pond visual update [*] Trees fade out faster [*] Runa no longer has an infinite stash of seeds [*] You can now drop Forest Stew [*] Raven warns the player when trying to enter the mist in the first area [*] Menu's no longer open when interacting with the shrine to prevent various bugs [*] Quest no longer shows in top left. Quest are still visible in quest log by pressing "Q" [*] New action log [*] Some NPC's are relocated [/list] [h2]Control changes[/h2] [list] [*] “P” no longer pauses the game, "Esc" is now the only dedicated pause button [*] “O” no longer cancels, “C” now cancels, just like “Esc” and “Backspace” [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] The blessing/health now drains as intended, and will require Shrines to restore again [*] Berries have lost the power of flight [*] ESC now is functional in the menu settings [*] Spawning dialogue no longer crashes the game [*] Removed brightness setting until issues are resolved [/list]