PATCH NOTES V1.0077.4701

Tower Walker: MMO Grind Simulator

Tower Walker is a fresh new type of addictive semi-idle auto-grinder rich with features, inspired by classic MMORPGS and RTS games with indirect control over your hero. The mysterious tower awaits!

Hotfix for a MAJOR BUG that had a chance to cause attunement stages for all characters to reset when creating a new character. This has now been fixed. This issue could also affect certain items saved in shared stash. We are sorry if anyone has been affected by this issue. We can not restore your attunements but it should now always be saved from now on if you attune again. Thanks for your feedback! [b]Here are the patch notes (1.0077.4701):[/b][list] [*]Fixed major savefiles issue when creating a new character [*]Fixed issues with saving/loading dungeon attunements [*]Fixed incorrect text labels for NPC at floor 69 [/list]