Patch Notes v1.0.617

Tyrant's Blessing

Tyberia has been turned into a paradise by the Tyrant, free from war, suffering, and death - because nearly everyone has been turned into the undead. Take charge of the last living warriors in tactical, turn-based battles and drive the Dead Army into the sea!

Hey everyone! We're back again with another patch for you all! We've been listening to the feedback that you all have been providing and making changes accordingly. As always, if you experience any issues, please report them in our [url=]Discord [/url]through our ticketing system. Also, please consider leaving us a review if you haven't already as it really helps us out [h2]v1.0.617[/h2] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Map becomes less linear and allows players to play a shorter adventure. [*] Controller support is improved . [*] Players can continue to play when there are up to 3 units down in an encounter, and these units will be back in the next encounter. The game is over if all the 4 units are down in an encounter. [*] Guardians will purge all Shades of a unit once activated. [*] Hero upgrades can be reset throughout the adventure. [*] Darby is invisible only when every party member is in full health. [*] Mobezi’s passive produces smoke in the adjacent tile opposite to her baby-launch direction. [*] Enemy resurrection shield in Hard mode is removed. Enemy shield option is still available in Nightmare mode. [*] Steam cloud saves are now enabled [/list] [h3]QoL[/h3] [list] [*] Enabled abandon adventure in the camp. [*] Added Hex/Cripple effect info on the tooltip of the items and enemies. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed Cursed Dagger description. [*] Fixed Kalar’s Sword Control causes a non-attacking enemy to attack. [*] Fixed hotkeys get reset in the next encounter. [*] Other fixes. [/list]