Patch Notes - Demo Update v2.4.0


Untethered is a space survival-sandbox set in our own cosmic backyard. Explore zero-gravity environments, build and operate realistic space stations, and fight to stay alive in the unforgiving realm of deep space.

Phew, this is a bigger one! I've merged in a lot of the improvements made during PAX demo development and also implemented feedback received during PAX into this version. Enjoy! [b]New Checklist/Objectives System[/b] So, you may recall that there used to be objectives that would appear at the top of the screen. This arose out of a need to guide players through the demo, more than I thought I needed to. Anyways, having persistent UI on screen like that is very against how I want Untethered to look, so they're gone! Instead, you can press H at any time to bring up your "EVA Checklist", which will tell you your current goals in a little more detail. The player will also be notified whenever a new objective is added to the checklist. [b]Workbench Upgrade[/b][list] [*]UI redesign - it was very outdated and out of line with the current UI design. [*]Now uses the brand-new Microtronics MT-600 monitor. [*]Added a lamp, which can be toggled with a switch on the control panel. [*]You can now easily spam the "CRAFT" button. [*]I have [i]entirely removed[/i] the disassembly page. I'm interested to see how it goes. You can still disassemble items from your suit terminal. [*]Various other decorations. [/list] [b]Visual Improvements[/b][list] [*]Volumetric lighting when inside a station. [*]Adjusted some of the main menu modules to look a little fancier. [*]New construction animation effect[list] [*]Currently only exists with modules, but will eventually make its way to racks as well. [*]I've upgraded this since the PAX demo, as it now begins from the module attachment point. [*]I've also fixed some bugs that were present in the PAX demo. [/list] [/list] [b]General Improvements[/b][list] [*]Added coughing sound when you're near fire. [*]Critical health effects now ease out when you begin recovering. [*]Added various posters, stickers and labels, full of lovely lore. [*]Not really applicable since commands are disabled, but with nocost enabled, crafting recipes now indicate that they are free. [*]Emergency power breaker reset instructions have been simplified. [*]You can now click C to consume a consumable you have equipped. [*]The module with the Water Tank in the Endeavour has been sealed off. And because of this, you can no longer craft empty water bags, as they serve no function. [*]You now start with 3 extra CARE credits. [*]Crosshair appears when construction is available in build mode (and in deconstruction as well). [*]Switched off a lot more of the lights in the Endeavour wreckage. [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list] [*]Fixed missing collider on the aft side of the STBD equipment bay. [*]Removed some misleading "TO AIRLOCK" signage in the Endeavour, including some that float in midair. [*]Fixed heartbeat effect continuing into the main menu when you quit. [*]Fixed music continuing into main menu/overlapping when you restart the game. [*]Fixed main menu missing sounds when quitting during EVA or on the end screen. [*]Fixed ambient music starting on the end screen. [*]Fixed bug that allowed you to breathe outside if you click "Start EVA" immediately after pressing TAB while inspecting the Airlock Control Panel. [*]Fixed inconsistent font usage on racks. [*]Fixed port breaker panel in the TUG not indented properly. [*]Fixed crosshair appearing very briefly after closing the suit terminal. [*]Fixed crosshair dot not appearing for the first inspection after ending EVA. [*]Fixed crosshair not appearing after closing the repairs terminal at the TUG damage. [*]Fixed module control panel text material being broken (this was the case in the PAX demo). [*]Repairs colliders are (mostly) no longer collidable, making them less intrusive. [*]Fixed crosshair being green if you don't stop looking at the airlock control panel as the airlock depressurises. [*]Slightly reduced the jumpiness when you inspect the airlock control panel. [*]Fixed crosshair and interaction hints appearing when the player has an item equipped. [/list] [i]Coming Soon in 2.5...[/i][list] [*]MacOS Support [*]Control Rebinding [*]Backend Localisation Support [*]Y-Invert Setting [/list]