Patch & Fixes # 3 (February 2024)

Siege Island

Step into the world of Siege Island, a tribute to the classic arcade game "Rampart". Prepare yourself for an immersive 3D action-puzzle game that will test your strategic skills and reflexes. As the Orcish fleet draws near, the duty to safeguard your island from their assaults is yours.

Dear all, we have finally completed one of our major milestones during the development of Siege Island, that is compatibility with Controller, for those users that prefer it to the Mouse + Keyboard combo. We have tested it as much as we could, but if you have time and desire, please try to play with a controller and tell us what do you think. This is the detailed list of additions, changes and fixes for your consideration: [list] [*] [b]Controller compatibility:[/b] As said before, the game can be played now with controller. We have used mainly XBox controllers for the development, but the PlayStation controllers should be compatible as well. We will test it furthr for any potential compatibility issues. [*] [b]New cursors:[/b] We thought that the basic Windows cursor was a bit boring and simplistic. We have added 4 different cursors to the game: Basic, Combat, Repair and Magic. This is mainly a cosmetic upgrade, but if you play with Humans, it will help you to know if the Tornado magic is activated, as the cursor appereance will change when you use the magic skill. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44718472/0b01fa57c94070918b01dab803b26079c60a5cc3.gif[/img] [*] [b]White outline for the wall pieces:[/b] As you requested in the forums, we have added a white outline to the next wall piece available during the construction phase, so you can easily identify its shape. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44718472/db5b74157741fbd0e806f27f42ab113804093940.png[/img] [/list] [h3]BALANCE CHANGES:[/h3] [b][u]Wall resistance skill[/u][/b] Players have noticed that the Wall resistance upgrade doesn´t make a real difference in-game, that is why we have reworked the math as follows: [b]Enemy shots:[/b] We have decrease their damage from 9.75 hp to 7 hp. [b]Wall pieces:[/b] We have increased their resistance from 4 hp to 5 hp. Before, you had to upgrade the skill to [b]level 20[/b] so that the enemy needed 2 shots to break a piece of wall. Now, [b]level 9[/b] is enough for this, and if you invest to level 23, the enemy will need even 3 shots per piece of wall!! And this is it for this patch. Please, give us your feedback of the game in the forums, each comment helps us a lot to improve the game. [i]The Devs[/i]