Patch & Fixes #2 (January 2024)

Siege Island

Step into the world of Siege Island, a tribute to the classic arcade game "Rampart". Prepare yourself for an immersive 3D action-puzzle game that will test your strategic skills and reflexes. As the Orcish fleet draws near, the duty to safeguard your island from their assaults is yours.

Dear all, We have uploaded a new patch that includes the following: [h3]FIXES[/h3] [olist] [*] We have fixed an issue that sent the players to the main menu, instead of the skill screen when clicking "Back" button on the Game Over screen, or on the Pause Menu. [*] We have fixed an issue where in certain random instances, the game got stuck on the loading screen. If some of you still have this issue, please write a comment here or in the forums. [/olist] [h3]NEW CONTENT[/h3] [olist] [*] Now, if a player completes an island, after killing the boss of that island in the 10th wave, will have the choice of upgrading the skills before proceeding to the next island. To do that, we have added the button "Upgrade skills" on the Victory screen. Click on it to go to the Skill screen, upgrade what you want, and the continue the battle as usual. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44718472/e30a2488638c824ba4de324c6c31f37dccb22cdf.jpg[/img] [/olist] We appreciate your support. If you have ideas, doubts or commentaries, please write us on the Steam forums. [i]The Devs[/i]