Step into the world of Siege Island, a tribute to the classic arcade game "Rampart". Prepare yourself for an immersive 3D action-puzzle game that will test your strategic skills and reflexes. As the Orcish fleet draws near, the duty to safeguard your island from their assaults is yours.
Dear all,
First of all, [b]Merry Xmas![/b] We are working hard to pubish updates and patches as frequently as possible, in order to add new content, mechanics, and fixes to bugs and balance. This is the first patch after the release of the Early Access version, and it includes the following:
[*] [b]Soft-lock bug in battle mode: [/b]Solved a bug where if a ship touched the shore at the second 0 in the timer during the Battle phase, the game would show the "Game over" text but the repair phase would start and the game would soft-lock.
[*] [b]Saved games issue: [/b]Solved an issue with the game saving function where if you used the Pause Menu to exit a game, the game would not save properly.
[*] [b]Wall piece shape visibility[/b]: Some of you reported that, in a situation when there are already many wall pieces on the ground, it is very difficult to see the next wall piece available because it is under the walls already placed. We have fixed this by adding a new shader and placing it over the walls, castles, cannons and other elements of scenario. Now it is much easier to see the next wall piece available.
[*] [b]Keys guideline and invitation to the Tutorial:[/b] We have noticed that many players and streamers don´t play the Tutorial available in the main menu and, as a result, they ignore the most basic gameplay features like, for example, that it is possible to rotate the wall pieces during the building phase, resulting in a bad gameplay experience, or the keys you use to play.
To solve this issue, we have included a keys guideline at the start of the building phase, and also, we have added an invitation to play the tutorial for players that just installed the game, when they click on "New Game".
That´s it for now! We are working hard on the next update, that hopefully we will introduce you all very soon!
Thanks a lot for your support!
[i]The Devs[/i]