Patch b.1.1e - Fixes, Buffs & Rebalances

Fractured Online

Define your own destiny in this dynamic, open-world sandbox MMORPG. Explore vast fantasy worlds, fight monsters and other players in dynamic PvE and PvP battles, gather resources, set up a trade empire, grow your virtual home to a major city or conquer others. Chose your own way!

Hi all, here comes patch b.1.1e, packed with bug fixes and balance changes - mostly buffs! [h3]Divine Rewards[/h3] [list] [*] The drop chance of Fabled Rewards from CR 6-7 mobs has been increased from 3% to 4%. [*] The drop chance of Epic Rewards from CR 8-9 mobs has been increased from 3% and 5% respectively to 4% and 7%. The chance they turn into an Orb is now 16% instead of 15%. [/list] While these numbers may seem small, they lead to a 33% increase in Orb generation for CR 6-7 mobs, a 42% increase for CR 8, and a 49% increase for CR 9! [h3]Status Effect Reductions[/h3] Fortitude and Willpower now reduce negative status effects less than before, with numbers closer to pre-EGC. This is the new table: [img][/img] This was before the patch: [img][/img] The reduction at 1000v1000 is now 50% instead of 67%. This makes all negative status effects (including CCs, but not only) more effective. If needed, we will introduce diminishing returns for hard CCs in the future. [h3]Aeromancers[/h3] The shocked status was problematic for game servers, since a single shocking AOE applied on a large group of already shocked targets could generate hundreds of damage instances. Game clients also struggled to keep up. Moreover, the effect was weak to totally useless if one wasn't hitting A LOT of targets at the same time. Shock has been reworked. Adding stacks to an already shocked target now deals damage to the target itself, and releases 1 lighting that hits a random enemy within 4 meters (up from 2). The damage dealt to the primary and optional secondary target depends on the number of shocked stacks on the primary and ranges from 80 to 160 (up from 40 to 120). This should make Aeromancy an excellent school against single targets or small groups, and give abilities such as Chain Lighting the intended effect when used against 2 close targets. Also, Shocking Arrows can now be learnt from the Bandit Agitator! [h3]Cryomancers[/h3] Freeze duration, which depends on the number of Chilled stacks on the target, has been increased from 0.5-3 to 1-3. Coupled with the CC reduction nerf, it makes Freeze easier to use and more effective. Moreover, the following changes have been implemented: [list] [*] Deep Freeze damage 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP [*] Frost Blast damage 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP [*] Frost Nova damage 300-450 x MP => 360-540 x MP [*] Permafrost damage 300-450 x MP => 360-540 x MP [*] Icebound Blast damage 200-300 x MP => 240-360 x MP [*] Ice Spikes: smaller cone, faster projectiles [/list] [h3]Assassins[/h3] The only place where a nerf was needed. Assassins were too oppressive in PvP. If a player's Detection is >= the Stealth of a hidden player and is close enough, all the members of the party of the detector will now see the assassin as semi-transparent, not only the detector itself. Moreover, the following changes have been implemented: Assassin set magic resistance: 500 => 400. Shadow Dash charges: 4-2 => 2, cooldown 10 => 12-8. Shadow Step extra weapon damage: 100-150 x PP => 40-100 x PP, Fear duration 3-4.5 x PP => 3 x PP. Coup de Grace pure damage per missing HP: 5-7.5 => 4-6. Note that ranges above mean school level 0 - school level 10. [h3]Various[/h3] Several buffs in here! [list] [*] Poison spell stacks: 5-7.5 x MP => 8-12 x MP [*] Poison Spray: 100-150 x MP => 120-180 x MP, stacks 5-7.5 x MP => 10-15 x MP [*] Headshot stun: 0.75 x PP => 1.5 x PP [*] Strafing Strike: channeling time 1.5s => 1s, total arrows 9 => 8 [*] Volley: smaller cone [*] Crystal Shackles mana removal: 50-75 x MP => 80-120 x MP [*] Crystalline Touch mana removal: 30-45 x MP => 40-60 x MP [*] Earth Spikes slow duration: 3 x PP => 1.2-1.8 x PP [*] Slow slow duration: 2-3 x PP => 2.4-3.6 x PP [*] Hack & Slash: duration 1.5-3 => 2-3, attacks 3-6 => 4-6, attacks deal full damage, target is properly stunned [*] Energy Blast: duration 3 => 2, dmg/s 200-300 x MP => 300-450 x MP, stacks/s 4-6 x MP => 6-9 x MP [*] Sprouting Pulse: root time 1.5 x MP => 1.8 x MP [*] Entangling Roots: root time 1.6-2.4 x MP => 2-3 x MP [/list]