Patch #5, 10th of February

New Cycle

New Cycle is a city building game with focus on survival. After an apocalyptic series of solar flares, human society has been thrown into disarray. Establish a settlement and develop it all the way from humble beginnings to industrial metropolis.

Greetings! Another patch is done, mainly focused on Improvement and Fixes, along with some Balancing: [u][b]Main Updates[/b][/u] [list] [*] [Improved] The HUD product dashboard has been expanded. Many more products and raw materials can now be displayed on demand in a more horizontal and wider area. [*] [Fixed] In complex and multi-connected road networks, when a road segment is deleted, the connections of some other buildings linked to the road are disconnected. [*] [Fixed] in complex and dense road networks, some buildings become roadless after loading. [*] [Fixed] Conveyor Belt bonuses for 'Basic Tool' produced in TIII phase not working. [*] [Fixed] The value displayed and the value applied by the "In Good Hands" effect were mismatched. [*] [Fixed] Full-page messages not fitting on Steam Deck devices. [*] [Improved] Scout notification messages opening animation has been accelerated. [*] [Improved] Increased volumes of Iron, copper, tin and coal nodes in all local biome maps. [*] [Improved] In regional areas, the probability of Tin and Coal has been raised for the mineral deposits accessible by environmental type. [/list] [u][b]Balancing[/b][/u] [list] [*] [Balancing] Oil and diesel production tree output multipliers and efficiency values were revised. [*] [Balancing] Revision was made on railroad costs and disel consumption of locomotives. [*] [Balancing] A multiplier formula has been developed that negatively suppresses childbirth in the absence of housing suitable for settlement. [/list]