Patch #1 - Sandbox Mode & Building Contest!


Design and build fortresses brick by brick to stand against endless hordes of Horrors in this real-time strategy game with resource management, siege defense, and exploration. Lead from the ramparts, push back the darkness, and hold fast against the creatures of the Mist.

Fellow Hogardians! These past few days have been truly [b]unforgettable[/b], especially when it comes to community reception. Not only do we have +700 reviews and a 94% positive ratio, but we also have a super involved fanbase sharing [b]invaluable suggestions[/b] on Steam and [url=]Discord[/url]. Now it’s high time to return the love. As a token of appreciation, [b]we’re adding a Sandbox Mode[/b] in our very first patch! [previewyoutube=CyDa5l2T_uU;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]Introducing the Sandbox Mode![/h2] Cataclismo's Sandbox Mode is [b]the ultimate building tool[/b] for Hogardians. Get access to unlimited resources to design every bit of your stronghold as you see fit. Once your fort is ready, add as many units and horrors as you please to test your tactics in a safe space. This is especially useful for those craving [b]a proper place to create blueprints[/b]. Also for players asking for a more relaxed building environment. Many used the campaign levels and skirmishes, dealing with limited materials and horrors’ ceaseless attacks.  [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44126591/44a744b6a4cfdf3c9812d4529b609ceef8afc0df.png[/img] [b]We’ve listened[/b] (we always do!) and Sandbox Mode is the result. Enjoy the most faithful expression of Cataclismo’s endless creativity... And share your creations in our new building contest: [b]LORD OF THE FORTS![/b] More info on [url=]our Discord[/url]. [h2]Other fixes[/h2] This patch also fixes an issue causing a stone arc cross that was not providing a proper path. [h2]Thank you, Hogardians![/h2] Seriously.[b] THANK YOU[/b]. You have been exceptionally supportive, kind, and patient with us during these first days of Early Access. [b]The game is getting better and better because of your feedback[/b]. We’ll keep reading your reviews and ideas thoroughly! Go low and throw! Hogardian Herald