Patch #1, #2 and 3 Summary

Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered

Red Faction: Guerrilla re-defines the limits of destruction-based game-play with a huge open-world, fast-paced guerrilla-style combat, and true physics-based destruction.

Hello, Over the last week we have release already a few updates for Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered. We will continue to do so. We are glad for every report. Here is a summary of the changelogs so far: [h1][b]Patch #1[/b][/h1] - Fixed crash in rendering code (mainly when causing bigger explosions) - Fixed: Refresh rate should be correctly shown in options menu - Fixed: cheats should correctly be unlocked - Game can now run faster than ~120 fps, depending on hardware - Overlapped kill messages fixed - MP teleporting should at least be greatly reduced - Button prompts had broken trailing characters in some languages [h1][b]Patch #2[/b][/h1] - MP Teleporting should be fixed now - MP Next Game Button shows up after a match if you play without party - More diagnostic logging in order to find the cause of some of the crashes [h1][b]Patch #3[/b][/h1] -Multiplayer teleport bug should be fixed entirely now -Fixed a number of different crash cases -Fixed a problem with some controllers working unreliably under certain circumstances -Game shutdown is faster now -Added a "NEXT GAME" option to matchmaking -Added an option to disable camera shake -Added options to hide the different controller APIs (XInput, DInput, Steam Controller) -Added missing names to the credits -Added text to the title screen, indicating the currently active controls configuration