Patch 1.1.7 - Just King

Just King

Just King is an action auto-battler with roguelike elements. Assemble your party to venture into different lands fighting fearsome kings and their deadly armies. Use your loot to hire and upgrade mighty heroes... or the bard.

[h1]The King announces new Patch Notes![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41859068/f2cf06958269de230c7e00841f9a54ada2f036ce.png[/img] Balance changes and a few bug fixes! -Vish team Congratualations to this week's champions! [olist] [*] Chappll [*] Motocross [*] TheDon [/olist] [h1]Balance[/h1] [h2]Heroes[/h2] [h3]Druid - BUFF[/h3] -Wolf Damage (6/12/18)(+100%) -> (10/15/20)(+125%) -Turtle damage negation scale while tucked in (25/50/75%) -> (45/60/75%) [h3]Cyclops - BUFF[/h3] -Boulder throw delay 1s -> .5s -Boulder recovery 2s -> 1s -Boulder throw cooldown 4s -> 2s [h3]Biomancer - BUFF[/h3] -Lvl3 Posion cloud biomass cost 25 -> 15 -Lvl3 Frog heal 25% -> 35% [h3]Cleric - NERF[/h3] -Heal cooldown 2s -> 2.25s [h3]Imp - NERF[/h3] -Cooldown (1/0.833/0.666) -> (1.25/0.958/0.666) [h3]Sharkmancer - NERF[/h3] -Lvl3 hook damage 25 -> 20 [h3]Viking - NERF[/h3] -Frost armor scale (50/70/90%) -> (35/60/85%) [h3]Coolboy - NERF[/h3] -Lvl3 damage 8(80%) -> 5(70%) [h2]Items[/h2] [h3]Ruined Saber - BUFF[/h3] -Now gives the party 1 INT [h3]Shattered Saber - BUFF[/h3] -Now gives the party 1 STR [h3]Odison's Hammer - NERF[/h3] -Cooldown 5s -> 7s [h3]Poltergeist - NERF[/h3] -Execute 25% -> 10% [h3]Retromancer's Armor - NERF[/h3] -Base damage per second 10 -> 5 [h1]Bugs[/h1] -Fixed an issue that caused Berserkers to ignore Medusa's execute sometimes -Fixed an issue that caused Holing Worm Cap to teleport its wearer to too far dimensions -Fixed an issue that made new players stuck in an infinite loading screen while trying to play Duels