Patch 0.13.1-New Miner Class! Sonar - Directional light - Throwing pickaxe...

Planet Centauri

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Hello! A new utility class, the miner! (tin armor), Directional lights helmet, glowing sticks, sonar, explosive & throwing pickaxe skills! The patch took a little time because the light engine had to be partially redone to optimize the directional light level resources & Oni had to redesign the particle engine in anticipation of future needs for new bosses and functions. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/cc353235561d2ab1d749c1b1969843f222577f00.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/56d6589a316b9fa5169c2de1748f3642bba9db9a.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/12134860/67b950cbe021c1f21ca2d8627aba20d44e8bd9fe.gif[/img] [code] Changelog Adds: - New class: the miner (tin armor), with 4 skills and a mining speed bonus: - sonar - Glowing sticks - Pickaxe throwing - explosive pickaxe - Upgrades of the lighting engine - directional lights - a light pass to amplify the lights on precise areas (can be disabled in config.ini) - A directional light is associated to the miner helmet (works also on the vanilla slot) - Particles: hot reload is now supported for configuration files (F11) Changes: - Killing enemies provide exp to armor pieces - Water is more transparent Engine: - Internal rework of the lighting engine. Shadows use half vram. - Better control on the shadow buffer, with possibility to create lights of specific shapes. - Rework of the particle engine: - optimized particles creation from O(n) to O(1) - ability to create "parent" particles in moddable files so we can use the same shape for different particles without duplicate texture. - new particle emitters options in config files - Complete refactoring of old hardcoded particles, now using config files [/code] That's all for today, thank you for your support and do not hesitate to talk with us on our discord!